Radiation Viewer

Reeve Observatory - Anchorage, Alaska  USA
Geographic coordinates: 61.19928 °N : 149.95652 °W

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Decommissioned 5 October 2021

All times in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Blue histograms: Counts in each 1 minute interval
Magenta trace: milliroentegen per hour (mR/h)

This page automatically reloads the latest radiation plot every 5 minutes
Radiation data is updated every hour

Radiation Monitor: GQ Electronics GMC-600+ Geiger Counter

Detectable radiation levels ~ α: 2.5 MeV; β: 50KeV;  gamma-x-ray: 10 keV

Geiger Counter commissioned 20 February 2021

Original Black Cat Radiation Monitor commissioned 3 May, 2011 and decommissioned 19 October 2018 because of chronic software instability problems